Emotion is one of the strongest powers and feelings a person can have. By that it also makes it one of their biggest weaknesses. When other people find out how to play with your emotions they often use the ability(maipulation) in favour of themselves.
Playing with peoples emotions is not a rare thing in today's society. We experience it every day- advertisments, media, politicians our peers etc. But knowing that we are being manipulated with the whole time how can we distinguish our own thoughts and opinions ?

Politicians are known for playing with peoples emotions in order to gain their trust and favour. When communicating with the public they often use language that makes them look good. I have found the 2004 Obama speech where he in my opinion pressures alot on peoples emotions.
By saying how it is unlickely that he is there due to the poor conditions he had in his childhood he is making people feel pitty for him. Also by talking about a little boy who can't read and a senior citizen who can't afford their medicine he makes people sad and compassionate, but by saying that he cares about them and will make their conditions better people will now associate him with something good and happy(by imagining that little boy actually getting an education). In his speech he is trying to create a nice and a cozy feeling in people so they everytime they think of him they also remember the feeling.
Obama is not the only one of politicians to make a speech like this but is just like any other. He is just one of few who actually completed something he promised while as other politicians play the same pity card and don't achieve anything.

In many of his public speeches he talks about how he is going to offer a good pension for the elderly people and always brings up how he "saved Estonia". This is clearly playing with the emotions and memories of people who can't deside any better anymore.
Thorughout our everyday life we are influenced by those people and in most cases people fall for the manipulation even if they try not to.
You have one relevant question at the beginning, but I want to questions a comment that you made towards the end:
ReplyDelete- how can we be certain that an old person's mental ability has degraded so much that they cannot make decisions for themselves anymore?