Oct 27, 2013



The theory of aliens has been around for thousands of years. There are countless numbers of evidence that lead us to believe that there is something more in this world than we can understand with our senses. 
But where did it all begin? How did the human race come to a conclusion that there might be something else out there? Well, some people say that it wasn't just a thought, but we lived and communicated with them years ago.
 For example Incas have a temple complex in Tiwanaku, Bolivia that have carvings of every race in the world including one different one-the Gray Face.Firstly, how did the Incas, who had not traveled the world seen different races, and who is the race behind the gray face that looks so similar to a person but is not?

Many people say that the similarity comes from the fact that aliens created our aunt-sisters and formed us to look like themselves, but who are we to say whether it's true or not.

Also one point where all the theories come from is that there are many conclusions that take in to thought the fact that the technology during some time period wasn't evolved enough to make cuts or other carvings in stone as it is only possible now. For example the lake Titicaca hides an ancient temple that has the ideal mathematically precise cuts and whats-more considering the time it was made and including the geographical facts applied in that time, it is nearly( not to say completely) impossible, because it was all under 30m of water.
In those two cases (Titicaca and Tiwanacu) when we leave out all the mathematically precise carvings and other aspects we still have other and much bigger things to consider. The astronomical accuracy. Every building and every gate is set to lay in a precise place. Just like the pyramids are set to match the astronomical sights and also the Stonehenge. 

There is practically no way it was possible for the people living in that era with their technology to know all the astronomical facts and much more, there is no way that people with their technology would have build those magnificent and massive objects. Although there are a lot of speculations trying to figure out how everything was built there are still some holes in those theories. For example scientists came to a conclusion how the Stonehenge was BUILT, but the whole theory collapsed when they had to figure out how did they get the materials. As it turned out the massive, weighting about 50 tons, stones we're brought from 160 miles distance.
So this all makes us think if we had any help from visiting creatures or not. Did they share their astronomical knowledge with our aunt-sisters? Is the human race just an experiment for them and they gave us a start and are now observing us?
Also may having these kind of creatures with more advanced systems lead people to think of them as gods and lead to having an effect on today's spiritual society?

In today's society aliens appear to us in another way. Many people claim to have seen a bright light or a group of lights formed into a certain shape in the night sky that they cannot explain. This story would not usually have bias, but the story becomes investigateable  when the same story is been told by different people from different habitat areas. And this happens quite a few times in a week. There are about 40 UFO sightings around the world EVERY DAY. And in many cases when being talked to airway companies or even NASA they don't confirm having any of their machines up in the sky. NASA has also spotted some very strange objects in the sky that can't be just unconfirmed enemy planes, due to their size and advanced technology that we can see in their movement. 

There are also a lot of alien sightings and  (not to be confused with UFO, as in UFO is an Unidentified Flying Object) where people claim to have seen a strange creature that no one has ever seen.
But how can we even be sure what an alien looks like? How do we recognize it? Where is the point of realizing that a creature is different enough not to be either a human or an animal? 

When maybe aliens designed us to look like them, then why can't they be among us? How can we sure that the nice lady next door isn't a visitor from a different planet?
How do we know whether they are cute and cuddly or evil and want to cut us open?

Here is a video of a backyard camera recording in a house in America that captures a weird creature walking across their backyard. May this be truly an alien?
Also the evidences include crop-circles. 

There are a lot of speculations about Area51. Some people say it's only a myth, but as many people know it's not. We can see it's existence on the map, get information about it on Wikipedia and the life going on there( cars moving in and out etc.) in TV. Then again how reliable are those sources?

 But I don't think the big question here is whether it exists or not, but what exists in there. And also I wouldn't be so worried about a place I know exists but a place no one knows exists.
 People say that Area 51 is the place that hides the biggest secrets of USA, or maybe even the world, and mainly it is related to UFO's and aliens. The UFO spotting rate near that area is larger than in any other place in USA.

The video I posted beforehand, that talks about "night crawlers", is a great example of how intrigued people are about this subject. The amount of movies, TV-series, comics,books, paintings, merchandise, etc. based on aliens and UFO's is countless.

Here are just some few examples.

  • "War of the worlds"
  • "Men in black"
  • "Star wars"
  • "Independence day"
  • "Hitchhikers guide through galaxy"
  • "Cowboys and aliens"
  • "Race to Witch mountain"
  • "Alien vs Predator"
  • "Transformers"
  • "War of the worlds"
  • "Hitchhikers guide through galaxy"
  • "Ender's game"
  • "Stranger on a strange land"
  • "Star trek"
  • "Stargate SG1"
  • Stargate Atlantis"
  • "V"
  • "The X-files"
  • "Babylon5"
  • "Battlestar Galactica"

Considering everything we say aliens have done and are capable of doing, then we can see that aliens may just be an excuse to sights and happenings we cannot explain. Maybe we know there is nothing there and just try to blame something on aliens because we just want to believe that there is something.
But then again with today's technology how is it so hard to explain such simple questions?

1 comment:

  1. A very interesting article, and you have asked many questions of things you are unsure of related to this subject. I like how you have gotten into the habit of asking questions, although I want you to format the questions slightly differently.

    I want you to take your questions from the specific (topic-related questions) to the general, knowledge-related questions - i.e. "Why are people so interested in concepts they can never be certain exist", or - "Can we be certain of truth because it is photographed?"

    Your article is fine and I wouldn't change it, although I do want you to add in some Knowledge Questions at the end.
