Nov 24, 2013

Attribution bias

Throughout this week we had to observe our behavior and more specifically observe how much we use a certain bias. I chose to observe my attribution bias, which led to interesting results. I know some cases from my past where I have truly thought that someone is just lucky when they get something and I worked hard if I get something, but I didn't realize that I do it almost every day.

Most common ones were usually to do with school work results.When I got a good score for example in geography then I worked hard for it, but if someone got the same result or even better one, then in my mind they obviously hadn't worked as much for that as I had. And it even made me feel a bit disgusted.
We also had a visit by a university, where a woman shortly introduced us to a few students who study in their school and again I discovered myself of thinking how those people probably just bought themselves in because they were just lucky to be born into a rich family, but if I am going to get into that school then through hard work and effort.
On Friday we had a huge football and volleyball match between the boarders and school staff. I was playing on the volleyball team and gave all that I could. "That was just a lucky hit","She didn't even do anything","I at least tried to do something" and similar thoughts went through my head that evening quite a lot.
Last thought was at The Plonchet Fair we visited this Sunday, where people got to throw 3 balls at cans, and had to knock them over. When they got some cans down then in my mind it was again obviously because of luck because there is no way they had put as much effort in throwing the cans down as I did. 
This all shows us how egoistic our mind is and how evil it may be towards others, but as we try, how can we really know who is actually just lucky and who has  put their heart and soul into the task?

1 comment:

  1. You have used several personal examples here to highlight your understanding of this theory. This is something you should always do in TOK writing, as it shows the highest level of understanding of a theory if you are able to apply it to yourself.

    Miss N
